The women pioneering quantum computing
- Teams with gender diversity are 15% more likely to outperform homogeneous teams.
- Despite female representation, diversity in quantum startups still only hovers at around 10%, at OQC, the figure expands to 28%.
- OQC featured. on the list of groundbreaking women shaping the industry.

Katy Alexander
Katy is the Marketing Director at OQC. Prior to joining OQC, she developed and scaled marketing and analytics functions for startups and large listed companies. Passionate about using data to guide strategic decisions, Katy’s unique blend of analytical rigour and creative expression enables her to tackle diverse challenges effectively. In her spare time, she champions diversity in STEM through the creation of games and education resources for primary schools.
Research consistently underscores the benefits of diverse teams as catalysts for innovation. A recent McKinsey study revealed that teams with gender diversity are 15% more likely to outperform homogeneous teams—a critical factor in the innovation-driven realm of deep tech.

Earlier this year, our CEO, Ilana, was among 11 women highlighted by Quantum Insider in their TQD Exclusive. These women are powerful role models, inspiring others to pursue leadership roles and careers in STEM fields. Increasing representation at the highest echelons of leadership fosters a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture, attracting and retaining diverse talent.
Despite female representation, diversity in quantum startups still only hovers at around 10%. However, positive shifts are underway, and organizations like Interference Advisors report a growing trend, with 16% of applicants and team members in quantum-specific roles being women.
At OQC, the figure expands to 28%, encompassing broader technical teams. This underscores our commitment to diversity and inclusion, supported by proactive measures to nurture an inclusive workplace. From prioritising psychological safety through a culture of compassion to implementing gender-neutral recruitment processes and providing comprehensive training programs, we’re dedicated to promoting diversity at every level. Our journey toward inclusivity is ongoing, but our resolve remains steadfast. We are determined to ensure that diversity isn’t merely a checkbox—it’s a driving force for innovation and progress.
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