Q2B 2024 Silicon Valley: The Roadmap To Quantum Value
Santa Clara Convention Center, Silicon Valley
10 – 12 Dec 2024

Atsushi Sugiura
Atsushi is the Head of Commercial, APAC and the Japan Country Manager at OQC. With an impressive track record spanning over 30 years, Atsushi possesses extensive expertise in the IT industry, garnered through his work in Japan and internationally. His career has primarily focused on High-Performance Computing and Enterprise systems, with notable positions held at renowned Japanese and global enterprises such as Itochu Corporation, Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics International (SGI), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

Todd Tilma
Todd is OQC’s Senior Quantum Engineer for our Japan Office. He is charged with maintaining the stability of OQC Toshiko. Before coming to work with us this past March, he was a house husband and enjoying life as a retired academic; being a former Associate Professor of Physics at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He earned his Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics in 2002 from The University of Texas at Austin and is the proud parent of two rescue cats.
Q2B is back for the eighth year in a row, to connect the international quantum community computing ecosystems! The event will feature top academics, industry end users, government representatives and quantum computing vendors from all over the world.
Our Head of Commercial for APAC, Atsushi Sugiura, and Senior Quantum Engineer, Todd Tilma, will be onsite at the UK Pavilion with The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme as part of their UK Delegation programme.
If you are attending and would like to meet with one of our team on site during the event to discuss how to start your quantum journey, your use case, or get an introduction to OQC, you can contact us via the link below.