Peter Leek
Peter founded OQC in 2017 and is a pioneer in the field of quantum computing, particularly known for his contributions to superconducting quantum circuits. With a PhD from the University of Cambridge, and postdoctoral research experience from ETH Zurich in the science of circuit QED, he has led his own research group at the University of Oxford since 2012, where OQC’s core IP was first developed. Peter is also a co-investigator in the UK’s national quantum computing research hub, where he continues to play a prominent role in the national programme.
SEEQA is a one week residential event in Oxford’s historic Merton College, where experts will gather to debate the challenges and opportunities in the worldwide effort to achieve general Quantum Advantage.
Key themes and topics of the event will include; early fault tolerance and error mitigation, hybrid algorithms, benchmarking and quantifying progress, ‘Is there QA in Chemistry?’, QC to augment emerging classical methods, randomized protocols and classical shadows, and emulation, and dequantizing algorithms.
Our CSO, Dr. Peter Leek will be in attendance during the week at the SEEQA Conference 2024, which OQC is proud to be a premium sponsor of.
We have created a Poster Prize of £500 to award the most outstanding young researcher’s poster. All students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and early career researchers who are within 4 years since completion of their doctorate are eligible to nominate themselves for this prize.
The poster session will be held on Tuesday 3rd Sept between 17:00 – 19:30.
For further details on how to nominate yourself, please visit the SEEQA website.