British emerging tech comes to Stuttgart under first UK-German government tech initiative
The Southwest of Germany is one of Europe’s leading innovation hubs – especially in the fields of mobility, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and healthcare. From September 2024 Stuttgart will be hosting six pioneering British technology start-ups as part of a groundbreaking initiative. Spearheaded by Economics Minister Hoffmeister-Kraut, this endeavour marks a significant milestone in the economic relationship between Baden-Württemberg and the United Kingdom, propelled by the ‘BW-UK partnership initiative’.
OQC is excited to be one of the six handpicked start-ups, selected from a competitive pool, to represent UK technological innovation across various domains including quantum physics, AI, robotics, and virtual reality.
STUTTGART, GERMANY – 8 MAY 2024 — Stuttgart wird ab September 2024 zum Innovationsknotenpunkt für sechs britische Technologie-Start-ups. Wirtschaftsministerin Hoffmeister-Kraut sieht das Programm als Bestätigung der erfolgreichen Wirtschaftspolitik in Baden-Württemberg und der durch ihr Haus initiierten ‚Partnerschaftsinitiative BW-UK‘.